Monday, January 28, 2019

Red Cross Blood Drive

Trinity’s Beta Club will host a Blood Drive sponsored by the Red Cross on Tuesday, Feb. 26, from 2-7 p.m., at the Upper School. This event is open to the Lexington community. Parents, teachers, students (age 16 and older) and friends of Trinity are invited to participate. Anyone 16 or older is eligible to donate blood (but if you are under 17 you will need your parent’s permission). Donating blood will take about 75 minutes. In addition to saving lives, you will get free snacks! There are only 33 slots to donate.

To sign up online, please go to “” and under the “give blood tab,” select “find a blood drive.” Enter “trinity” into the sponsor code field and then select a time to donate. If you are having trouble signing up online, email with a time that works for you.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Cheer Clinic

2019 Trinity Christian Academy Cheerleading Clinic

Come join us for a Cheer clinic on Feb. 1, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Then parents, pick up their cheerleader at 5:30 p.m. in the Library and walk to the gym for tournament action. 

When:                  February 1, 2019

Where:                 Tates Creek Presbyterian Gymnasium/Lower School, 3900 Rapid Run

Times:                  3:30-5:30 pm

Who:                    3rd thru 6th Grade

Camp Cost:         $35 per Cheerleader, includes T-Shirt, Hair Bows, Pizza

                                  $20 per Cheerleader, if you participated in the Dec. 1st clinic

Game Date:         Feb. 1, 6:00pm 5th/6th Boys vs TBD

2019 Cheer Clinic Registration Form

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Monday, January 14, 2019

Priority Reenrollment

Priority Reenrollment – Don’t Lose Your Spot!

Our priority reenrollment period is now open and runs through February 15. Reenrolling by this date guarantees your spot and allows us to carefully balance class size and address any hiring needs. Following this deadline, you may reenroll if there is space remaining, but you will incur an additional charge.

To reenroll, follow the link in the email you received with the title beginning, “Trinity Christian Academy Fall 2019 – Spring 2020,” or log in to your TADS account and select the reenrollment registration option.

More details about reenrollment can be found in the email from Robert Cunningham that went out on January 11.

Have Another Child Ready for Trinity?

Siblings of current Trinity students have admissions priority, but only if their applications are submitted before a class is full. To put in an application, log in to your TADS account and select the Admissions tab, or click here and log into your current account when prompted.

If you have questions, please contact Tory Tanaka in Admissions: 271-0079 x222, or

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Trinity Fathers Group

Dear Brothers in Christ,

God, our Father, has blessed us in so many ways. As a husband and father, I often wake up ready to seize the day, but go to bed knowing I did not make the most of my time. The days are indeed evil. Did I love my wife as my own body? Did I train and instruct my children in the Lord? Did I hold captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ? These things are not always easy. The world seeks to distract us and take our eye off the prize. However, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ. We are commanded to always be ready to give reasons for why we have put our faith in Christ, and to have our feet ready to spread the gospel of peace. Our faith and our works are before the watching world and are a visible testament to those seeking freedom from sin and death.

Therefore, if anyone is interested, I want to propose a Trinity fathers’ group. My vision is to invite all Trinity fathers and grandfathers to participate in a biweekly group that focuses on using our gifts to train and equip each other. This iron sharpening iron concept can be done through Bible study and various resources that assist in tackling secular challenges. I have a graduate degree in Apologetics, but many of you also have degrees or training that can be leveraged to increase our confidence in the gospel. Whether you are young or old in the Lord, we can all benefit from building each other up to love our families and neighbors more. We can all grow in wisdom, knowledge and character – the essentials for ambassadors.

Brothers, I know how quickly the days pass. It can be difficult to work a 10 or 12 hour day, serve our family and relax for a few minutes before the day is over. Many of us sit on boards, volunteer at charities or coach little league teams. Some of us are also already engaged in church groups or other ministries. It may not be feasible for some of you to get involved in another group. Therefore, this will need to be flexible so that most will have the ability to participate on some level. If this type of group sounds appealing, or you have any questions, please email me by Jan. 14, at

In Christ,
Clint Field

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Friday, January 11, 2019

Priority Reenrollment

Dear Trinity Family,
As I hope you read in my school update, these are incredibly exciting times for Trinity Christian Academy. Most significantly, we are officially moving forward with construction of our new campus, with plans to break ground this year! But as we look to an exciting future, we don’t want to neglect the goodness of where God has us. And that goodness is you. You and your children are what make Trinity such a special place.
In the coming weeks you will notice our efforts toward new enrollment, but I want you to know that our most important focus is on you, our current families. Before we seek to expand our community, we want to make sure that we maintain our current community.
We are now entering our Priority Reenrollment Period. Priority reenrollment means that your spot is guaranteed for next year when you reenroll by February 15. Your reenrollment by this date also allows us to carefully balance class size and address any hiring needs. You may still reenroll after this deadline as long as space remains, but you will incur a late fee of up to $300 per student. Please see the attached Reenrollment Information document for more details, including the 2019-2020 Tuition Schedule.

We are humbled and grateful for your trust in us as a partner in the discipleship of your children. If there is any reason why you are not planning to reenroll, I am personally available to talk through those issues with you. Again, our first and foremost priority is our current community. Simply put, you are loved, and we want you back next year!
Yours in Christ,


Robert H. Cunningham, Interim Head of School


2019-20 Reenrollment Information

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chili Cook-off and Talent Show

Parent-Board Fellowship: Chili Cook-off and “Trinity’s Got Talent”

Trinity will host our Annual Parent-Board Fellowship and Chili Cook-Off on Thursday, Jan. 31, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. After the Board update, we will watch some of our talented students perform in “Trinity’s Got Talent!”

Students in grades 4-12 are invited to audition as a group (recommended) or individual. Auditions will be Friday, Jan. 11 in the Music Room at the Lower School campus. Please sign up for an audition here

To sign up to bring chili or another food item, please sign up here.

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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Father Daughter Dance

Save the Date!

Make plans for our annual Father Daughter Dance from 6:30-9 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 9, at the Lower School. Mark your calendars and watch for more details soon! 


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Parent Seminar on Bullying

On Monday, Jan. 14, Trinity will have special guest speaker, George Halitzka, who will host a student assembly at the Upper School and a parent seminar to address our society’s increasingly prevalent issue of bullying and cliques. As the definition and characteristics of bullying change, we recognize the need to stay ahead of the problem. These events will help students, parents, faculty, and administrators recognize, address, and offer support to those who could be impacted by bullying.

2:30 p.m. – Upper School Student Assembly on Bullying and Cliques
6:30 p.m. – All School Parent Presentation on Bullying (at Upper School)

For more information on George, visit

For national statistics on bullying, visit

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